Headline News TRAVEL

Tanah Datar, – Event Semarak Tanjung Barulak menjadi event ke 17 yang dilaksanakan dalam mendukung Program Unggulan (Progul) Satu Nagari Satu Event Tanah Datar Tahun 2023. Ini disampaikan Bupati Eka Putra saat membuka secara resmi event tersebut, ...
Headline News TRAVEL

Tanah Datar, – Sebanyak 333 Mahasiswa Universitas Eka Sakti (Unes) Padang bersiap melakukan Program Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) di 20 Nagari dalam 7 Kecamatan yang ada di Kabupaten Tanah Datar. Hal itu ditandai dengan kegiatan serah terima ...
Headline News TANAH DATAR TRAVEL, Tanah Datar — Program unggulan Bupati Tanah Datar dalam menciptakan 1000 usahawan baru dan lapangan kerja pertahunnya terkesan gagal. Pasalnya berdasarkan data PMPTSP dan Naker, masih jauh dari kata tercapai dari sejumlah pelatihan keterampilan yang sudah dilaksanakan. ...
Castor oil is great for thickening and regrowing hair

Castor oil is often overlooked for its benefits for the skin and hair because of its extremely thick and sticky consistency. However, if you’re looking for a cheap, natural remedy for several common skin and hair complaints, then ...

A unique series of man-made floating islands – called the 5 Lagoons Project – have begun to take shape in Maldives, which will be a series of almost 1,300 islands in the Indian Ocean. The floating islands are ...

Emirates has announced a third daily service to Birmingham Airport, becoming the first airline to offer a direct First Class service to the region. Commencing August 1st, Emirates flight EK41, operated by a Boeing 777-300ER, will depart Dubai ...

Air New Zealand has appointed Kathryn Robertson to the role of general manager UK & Europe. Robertson has a wealth of market knowledge and industry experience, first joining the Air New Zealand team in 2007 as marketing manager ...

A widening search for missing AirAsia Indonesia flight QZ8501 is unlikely to locate survivors, with the head of the Indonesian rescue efforts suggesting the aircraft was likely at the bottom of the ocean. Bambang Soelistyo revealed his hypothesis ...

It’s been a tough day. Under pressure from your deadline, your boss, and/or your client, you’re struggling to work your usual creative magic. Every time you think you’ve cracked it, another problem appears. And tomorrow’s looking even more ...

Are you overly anxious? Way too stressed out? Or just in need of a little more mindfulness? Before we dive into New Year’s Resolutions, we thought a bracing dose of self-awareness could be just the trick. To that ...